Friday, December 31, 2010

Peace Out

What a year... 2010 has had its ups and downs like every year, and lucky for me the ups definitely exceeded the downs. 2010 you have treated me well. I have learned and experienced so many new things, been so many new places, and met so many new and amazing people...

I had the best New Years Eve on record. (Let It Be.)

Rode in the St. Vincent Meals On Wheels annual bike-a-thon.

Went snowboarding somewhere other than UT (sry cali but you just cant compare to the greatest snow on earth)

Went to MAGIC...


Partied in VEGAS...


Painted my room.

Met Bear's twin Teddy...

And his mom (my name twin and new bestie) Hilary.

Turned into a Wii Mii.

Met Blake Nordstrom.

Taught Bear how to shop like a pro.

Got my man! FINALLY!

Celebrated Bear's 2nd birthday.

Went to Disneyland with Cedes on our Birthday.

LOUBS! enough said...

Became one with my inner snow leopard and joined the Spirit Hood tribe.


2011, I can only hope that you will be as good as (if not better than) 2010. Thank You!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 17, 2010

I can't believe the day finally came! I graduated from the Art Institute of California-Hollywood on December 17, 2010. Almost 3 years exactly after I started.
NO summer breaks.
192 credits in 36 months.
6 new apartments/change of address forms.
3 jobs and one internship.

I have learned so much about myself, life, and about working in the industry. I can't believe how much I have accomplished and grown the last 3 years.

I am now officially a grown up.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You are the best thing thats ever been mine

I am loving Taylor's new album! this song gives me chills. It makes me wonder who THIS song is written about?? apparently she gets all of her song inspirations from real life experiences.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My grown up Christmas list

I love Christmas!
The lights, the smells, the desserts, scarves, boots, family and friends, snowboarding, Christmas trees! (especially the one at the grove which is the tallest tree I have ever seen!) The only problem is that every year my list seems to get longer and more expensive. Since Santa can no longer fit everything down the chimney I have decided to write down my Xmas list early this year so he can have time to FedEx my gifts to me.

1. Louis Vuitton Purse
2. Christian Louboutin boots
3. Black 6-speed manual convertible mini-cooper (with free full coverage car insurance)
4. Miss Dior Cherie perfume
5. A cute Xmas sweater for bear
6. Unlimited tanning
7. Bear to be completely 100% house trained
8. Affordable beach front apartment
9. The OC box set
10. Nordies gift cards (cause that's where all my money goes anyways)
11. My credit cards paid off
12. A new snowboard
13. My apt complex to get rid of the $50/month pet rent
14. Lifetime supply of cupcakes
15. Cupcake baking machine
16. Michael Kors watch
17. Shopping spree on Rodeo
18. Spa day at Burke Williams
19. To have registration on my car that never expires/To never have to deal with the DMV ever again!
20. For Bryan to live closer to me.
I have been an extremely good girl this year so ...
21. For this list to come true :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


that's right, EF YOU CALIFORNIA.
I do love you and i love living here. i love the weather, i love the beaches, i love the shopping and the fashion, i love the food and the restaurants, i love that there is always something to do no matter what time day or night, and for the most part i love the people. i love my school and my job.
the 405 is ALWAYS a parking lot. a car accident happens every 2 minutes. people dont know how to use a turn signal or let you in when you use yours. its a foreign concept to them. no one turns on a green arrow but 4 cars will go through on the red light.
this is where my outrage truly lies. running red lights. everybody does it! so much that the state installed cameras on random lights to take your picture if you run the red.
yes, this happened to me. :(
obviously it was not on purpose. but non the less, its a FAT TICKET!

Running a red light: $465
Traffic school: $65
Getting to see the close up picture of your face as you are running the red light: Priceless...

Monday, October 11, 2010

23 amazing years of life

okay so i know this post is a little delayed but i am a busy girl.
i have lived 23 amazing years!
My twin sister, Cedes, flew to LA to celebrate our birthday together. the first time we have been together on the actual day since high school (which i still can not believe was 5 years ago.) I feel so old.
We went out to a place called "the waffle" for breakfast (ITS AMAZING!)
then spent the day at the happiest place on earth!!! DISNEYLAND!
we are 23 going on 6
it really was an amazing day.