Thursday, November 18, 2010

You are the best thing thats ever been mine

I am loving Taylor's new album! this song gives me chills. It makes me wonder who THIS song is written about?? apparently she gets all of her song inspirations from real life experiences.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My grown up Christmas list

I love Christmas!
The lights, the smells, the desserts, scarves, boots, family and friends, snowboarding, Christmas trees! (especially the one at the grove which is the tallest tree I have ever seen!) The only problem is that every year my list seems to get longer and more expensive. Since Santa can no longer fit everything down the chimney I have decided to write down my Xmas list early this year so he can have time to FedEx my gifts to me.

1. Louis Vuitton Purse
2. Christian Louboutin boots
3. Black 6-speed manual convertible mini-cooper (with free full coverage car insurance)
4. Miss Dior Cherie perfume
5. A cute Xmas sweater for bear
6. Unlimited tanning
7. Bear to be completely 100% house trained
8. Affordable beach front apartment
9. The OC box set
10. Nordies gift cards (cause that's where all my money goes anyways)
11. My credit cards paid off
12. A new snowboard
13. My apt complex to get rid of the $50/month pet rent
14. Lifetime supply of cupcakes
15. Cupcake baking machine
16. Michael Kors watch
17. Shopping spree on Rodeo
18. Spa day at Burke Williams
19. To have registration on my car that never expires/To never have to deal with the DMV ever again!
20. For Bryan to live closer to me.
I have been an extremely good girl this year so ...
21. For this list to come true :)