Sunday, July 31, 2011

Things I hate about people at the gym

I recently joined LA Fitness and started working with a personal trainer. I have never really been a gym rat but I have noticed some things about people at the gym that are just plain irritating....
  • Girls who wear makeup to the gym. who are you trying to impress. everybody sweats and dont you know that all the guys at gyms in hollywood are gay and just there to flirt with each other
  • People who wear jeans to the gym.
  • People who wear flip flops to the gym.
  • All the fat asian ladies rubbin down their naked body in the locker room. No one wants to see that, cover it up a little or at least turn around
  • People who stay on the cardio machines longer than the allowed 20 minutes when people are waiting.
  • People who wear Barefoot shoes.
  • People who clearly have no idea what they are doing and just jump from machine to machine doing 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, 3 reps on this machine, 16 reps on that machine, etc. JUST GET OUT OF MY WAY
  • People who drip sweat all over the machine then don't wipe it down. Gross.
  • Loud runners. Must you really stomp your feet down that hard on the treadmill.
  • Weight slammers.
  • People who fill up their entire water bottle while you are waiting behind them for just one sip from the fountain.
  • Loud talkers. If my headphones are all the way up and i can still hear you, you're too loud.
  • People who leave spin class early. If you cant handle it then dont go.

Sunday, July 17, 2011