Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Apartment Hunting

ATTN: Blog stalkers...
I am moving sometime before the end of May and it is starting to look like the place I was pretty set on moving to might not be working out. I have been craigslist searching everyday for the past month it feels and nothing really good ever comes up. some "hmm maybe i could see myself here, but no parking.... idk about that. and only 325 sq ft. no thanks. next."
so if anyone has some advise for good places to hunt for apartments, driving around specific neighborhood... know a friend of a friend who is moving... etc...
i am looking to be in LA, near the grove or downtown if possible.
i would like to keep rent under $1000, $800 is preferable.
they MUST allow pets.
I would like to have a kitchen, none of these kitchenette 2 burners and a sink on top of a mini fridge set ups.
laundry on site.
i would like it to be big enough for a sleeping "area" and living "area, non of this if i have company we sit on the bed.
gym or pool would be NICE but i guess i could live without. (a girl can dream right)
Safe neighborhood. (controlled access)

any suggestions or referrals would be much appreciated!
friend of a friend is moving.
you are moving.
craigslist success stories and how you found them.

Or if anyone has just one of these that they want to let me live in rent free that would be nice too....

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