Friday, December 31, 2010

Peace Out

What a year... 2010 has had its ups and downs like every year, and lucky for me the ups definitely exceeded the downs. 2010 you have treated me well. I have learned and experienced so many new things, been so many new places, and met so many new and amazing people...

I had the best New Years Eve on record. (Let It Be.)

Rode in the St. Vincent Meals On Wheels annual bike-a-thon.

Went snowboarding somewhere other than UT (sry cali but you just cant compare to the greatest snow on earth)

Went to MAGIC...


Partied in VEGAS...


Painted my room.

Met Bear's twin Teddy...

And his mom (my name twin and new bestie) Hilary.

Turned into a Wii Mii.

Met Blake Nordstrom.

Taught Bear how to shop like a pro.

Got my man! FINALLY!

Celebrated Bear's 2nd birthday.

Went to Disneyland with Cedes on our Birthday.

LOUBS! enough said...

Became one with my inner snow leopard and joined the Spirit Hood tribe.


2011, I can only hope that you will be as good as (if not better than) 2010. Thank You!

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