Sunday, January 16, 2011


Thinking back on my 2010, I had an amazing year and I want to make 2011 even BETTER. So I have decided to make a list of things I plan on doing this year to make it even better than last year.
No not New Years Resolutions/ResoLOSERS, a list of adventures to go on and challenges to overcome in 2011.

  • Go on vacation somewhere outside of the 50 states
  • Ride in a hot air balloon
  • Go to New York
  • Live alone
  • Learn to rock climb
  • Run a half marathon
  • Go skydiving
  • Become and assistant manager
  • Be better than Bryan at Words-With-Friends
  • Be a pay-setter at work (aka sell a LOT)
  • Take a road trip
  • Be on TV
  • Go Bungee Jumping
  • Go surfing
  • Drive to San Francisco on PCH

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